Information for Parents » Information for Parents

Information for Parents

Title 1 Site Committee:

Julie Benson, Principal                                           
Marcie Polk, Assistant Principal
Sarah Long, Title 1
Page Henley, Learning Leader
Chelsea Gentry, Reading Specialist
Heather Campbell, ELL Interventionist
Lisa Cawthon, K Teacher
Jamie Ricketts, Grade 1 Teacher
Shelby Allen, K-2 Math Coach/Grade 2 Teacher
Karen Hummel, Grade 3 Teacher
Brooke Lipshie, 3-5 Math Coach/Grade 4 Teacher
Megan Hutto, Grade 5 Teacher
Tina Amelunke, Related Arts 
Eve Southworth, Parent
David Freeman, Community Member

Vision Statement

We seek to develop citizens who relentlessly pursue growth emotionally, socially, and academically. 

Annual Title I Meeting
Every year, families have the chance to understand the purpose and funding of Title I. Castle Heights Elementary is a Title I school, meaning that all students can benefit from federally funded teachers and budgeted funds for supplies, equipment, and parent engagement events. Details about the meeting date and time are shared annually through digital platforms (Edlio Messenger) and the school website.

Purpose of Parental Engagement Plan and Actions in Place
At our school, we strongly believe that a solid partnership between the school and home is crucial for student success in all aspects. To improve our support and communication with families, we gather data from surveys at family engagement events and through an online survey sent to all parents in the spring. The feedback we receive helps us enhance our communication methods, instructional effectiveness, and family engagement opportunities.

In partnership with parents and teachers, we understand the importance of continual support for home learning and the need for clear, consistent, and easily accessible communication.

Our School, Family, Student Compact outlines our school's commitment to collaborating with all stakeholders. It will be available online and posted by the office. For those who prefer a paper copy, please contact the main office for assistance.

In addition to in-person learning, we provide access to educational programs used throughout the school year. We deliver rigorous instruction that adheres to the state’s standards for all grade levels. Below are the links to the district and state sites for standards and pacing.

Universal Screeners/Benchmarks will assess skill and standard mastery to determine student placement for reteaching, or remediation. Parents will receive notifications about their child’s performance and related academic support through various methods, such as parent-teacher conferences, progress reports, Skyward Family Access, and report cards.

Family Engagement
A  vital part of parent involvement is family engagement activities. We hope to be able to host a variety of events to provide families the opportunity to partner in their students’ educational experiences.